a 60's offshore anorak, like so many others, it was with dread that I
followed the ominous countdown to August 14th 1967 when
the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act would take effect at midnight. Even before
the ultimate day stations were closing down for all sorts of reasons.
On July 23rd came the end for Radio 227, one of the twin
stations on the Laissez Faire. Next was fort based Radio 390. The
“Woman's Magazine of the Air” ended its transmissions on July 28.
On August 6th it was Radio 355's turn, the second of the
twin stations.
to my diary in spite of a southerly wind there was nothing summery
about August 14th 1967. The temperature barely reached 14
degrees C. And all day the sun refused to put in an appearance. In
fact it was very very cloudy, perfectly reflecting my somber mood.
Like one waiting on death row I listened to Radio London, as the
minutes ticked by in the life of the station. And then "their Final Hour" was upon us. At 16,00 hrs (3 pm in the UK) Paul Kaye's became the
last voice to be heard on Big L. It had also been the first voice on
the station.
the close down, like so many thousands, I retuned to 259, to hear
Caroline welcome the Radio London listeners. But then it was time
for me to make tracks, as duty called. I had a Summer job to get to
at the Games Arcade in Blankenberge.
that evening also Radio 270 and Tommy Shields' Radio Scotland closed
down. In spite of interference from the electric games in the Arcade
I did manage to hear Caroline turn into Radio Caroline International
as the pioneer station defied the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act at
midnight (1 in the morning my time). To this day hearing Johnnie
Walker's “Man's Fight For Freedom” still makes my eyes go moist.
This was a very sad day for me as a fourteen year old boy and I hated the establishment for taking away the type of radio I loved. BBC Radio 1 was set up to replace the offshore stations, but for me it was never as good as the former so called pirates. Imagine my joy when RNI appeared in 1969, the return of Radio Caroline, and the start of Radio Atlantis. Not to mention being able to hear Radio Veronica and Radio Mi Amigo. All was not lost with Radio Caroline's determination to continue in the 80s and the arrival of Laser 558. Radio Caroline Continues to this day.