the Irish Embassy in Brussels they were most surprised to receive my
application since -although not specified in their ad- they “were
only looking for females”. In the late 60's 'emancipation'
apparently did not apply to men.
I had more luck when seeking a position at the Zeebrugge office of
Car Ferries,
the company which had started a roll-on/roll-off service between
Dover and the Belgian port in 1966. Because traffic was increasing
steadily the company needed someone who could look after the Belgian
side of the accounts and explain things in proper English to the
Dover 'overlords'. I started work at Townsend Belgium on December

was whilst swimming at Die Kanne that we first heard Ö3
(Euh drei), the new third programme of Austrian radio, a pop music
station that sounded somewhat Caroline-ish (it still does to some
extent). As a result we spent quite a bit of time soaking up the hits
at the swimming pool.
for Port Manager Noel
A. Johnston MBE (photo above) at Townsend Car Ferries in those early days was an absolute pleasure.
The office people busy in the small
near the old lock in Zeebrugge formed a tight-knit family, all trying
to get the ships loaded and out on time through the very narrow
Visart sluice gate. That was especially important since one of the
captains was said to consider just two speeds when negociating the
lock: “dead slow and stop”.
weeks after I began my employment the highlight became the first
Christmas office party. It was held at the renowned “Chez Willy”
restaurant with succulent “râble de lièvre” (saddle of hare) on
the festive menu. In fact it was also my first time in a chic
restaurant. Little did I know that this classy eating house would
some time afterwards become one of my regular stomping grounds
entertaining visiting company dignitaries, nor that a year or so later, in early 1971, “Chez Willy” would
turn into a favourite dining place for Messrs
Meister and Bollier
of Radio
North Sea International.
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